Opting Out From the ObamaCare Penalty

Opting Out From the ObamaCare penalty The PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) or popularly known as the “Obamacare” is a health care law that was signed by President Barack Obama that aims to make health insurance more affordable but at the same time increase its quality. The rate of uninsured people is lowered by expanding the insurance coverage to private and public sectors and by reducing the healthcare expenses for the government and the citizens. What is Obamacare … Read More

Differences Between Universal Health Care and Private Insurance

Differences between Universal Health Care and Private Insurance Everybody wants to maintain good health as much as possible. You cannot purely enjoy life if you are suffering from various diseases. However, we are only human and it is inevitable that we get sick eventually. There are preventive measures that you could take though along with regular checkups to keep you from acquiring some diseases. However, these never-ending necessities to take good care of our body surely do cost a lot. … Read More

Pros and Cons of ObamaCare

Pros аnd Cons of ObamaCare Below is an overview of ObamaCare іn а straight forward non-partisan manner. Honestly there аre positive and negative parts of any nеw law, it just depends on whethеr you аre thе оnе receiving morе benefits or paying morе money.The Health Insurance Law provides coverage fоr аррrоximatеly 30 Mіlliоn more people. Нowеver аbоut 26 Mіlliоn people will be exempted from mandated coverage. Pros аnd Cons of ObamaCare: Healthy people, Younger people, and Rich (anуоne with а … Read More

Massachusetts Health Care – RomneyCare

The Massachusetts health care system is also called the RomneyCare which in official terms is also referred to as the initiative to provide quality oriented, affordable and accountable health care system to the US citizens. Designed in 2006 in the form of law, it was enacted in 2006. And further it was signed to give the legal status by the then governor Mitt Romney. The law underlines the fact that the residents of the Massachusetts should enroll themselves into the … Read More

ObamaCare v.s. Single-Payer Healthcare

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ObamaCare v.s. Single-Payer Healthcare It’s clear from the mess created by ObamaCare that this system doesn’t work. People can’t even signup to ObamaCare let alone use it. The entire system wasn’t thought out properly and ObamaCare is dead on arrival with a website that doesn’t work and people that can’t sign up and use ObamaCare. ObamaCare is a dismal failure on the part of the Obama administration and it shows no signs of improving anytime soon. Meanwhile millions are left … Read More

Countries with Single-Payer Healthcare

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Countries with Better Single-Payer Healthcare than the United States Single- payer health care is a system where the government is sorely responsible for all medical care costs without the help of private insurers. This is done in rich countries where the government collects and compiles all the medical fees and then discharge payments to the medical care providers through a single government source. The concept behind this is that all citizens have a right to receive quality medical care no … Read More