How Far Back Can You Amend Your Tax Returns?

Amended Tax Return with a Designated Time Period Tax is a levy or financial charge imposed upon a person by the state. The failure to pay tax is punishable as it is an offence. However, paying tax is not a child’s play. All tax documents need to be in place in order to pay tax. The first and most important thing you need to do is to gather all your tax documents if they are not kept in order. All … Read More

Deadline to Amend Tax Return

Amended Tax Return (1040X) You need to file or apply for amendment of your tax return when a correction or alteration is required to do which may affect your tax calculation and deduction but you have to be sure about the deadline to amend tax return. You can amend your tax return if you receive any additional income after the filing of your tax or adding or removing any dependents for claiming or any tax credits. Variation of deadline to … Read More

Universal Health Care in the United States?

Universal Health Care in the United States? Should there be universal health care in the United States? This question is up for debate and it’s going to be a hot topic for some time to come as the ObamaCare system is implemented. In a universal health care system the doctors, hospitals. Nurses, dentists and other health care individuals remain independent. In a socialized system the entire system is run by the government. Here are some pros and cons of universal … Read More

Universal Health Care

Universal Health Care Universal health care is a type of health care system where the government ensures that every one of its citizens has health care and access to health care services. The methods to which this type of health care is achieved varies depending upon which country you go to that has adopted universal health care. This means that as a citizen of a country that has universal health care, you have the right to basic health care services … Read More

New STAR registration rules. Register again for Basic STAR property tax exemption

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There are new STAR registration rules! All homeowners receiving a basic STAR exemption must register with the New York State Tax Department in or der to receive the exemption in 2014 and subsequent years. Who must register? All resident homeowners who currently receive the Basic STAR exemption must register. What about Senior Citizens? Seniors receiving the Enhanced STAR exemption are not affected by the new registration requirement. However, in order to rece ive STAR, seniors must continue to apply annually … Read More